
Gsplit-dwarf icecc
Gsplit-dwarf icecc

Generate certificate with 4096 bit private key.Generate self-signed certificate from existing private key and csr.Generate self-signed certificate from existing private key.Generate CSR (metadata from existing certificate).Generate private key without passphrase.Create a temporary static backend with SSL support.Allow multiple cross-domains using the CORS headers.Rewrite POST request with payload to external endpoint.Limiting the rate of requests with burst mode and nodelay.Limiting the rate of requests with burst mode.Restricting access with basic authentication.Capture requests and filter by source ip and destination port.Extract http User Agent from the http packets.Which worker processing current request.Check that the gzip_static module is working.Trace network traffic for all NGINX processes.Get entries between two timestamps (range of dates).Calculating requests per second with IP addresses and urls.Calculating requests per second with IP addresses.Calculating amount of http response codes.Show requests which result 404 for php files and sort them by number per requests by url.Show requests which result 502 and sort them by number per requests by url.Analyse web server log and show only 5xx http codes.Analyse web server log and show only 2xx http codes.Show the most requested urls with http methods.Show the most requested urls containing 'string'.

gsplit-dwarf icecc

Testing SSL connection with specific cipher.Testing SSL connection with specific SSL version.Testing SSL connection (with SNI support).Send request with http method, user-agent, follow redirects and show response headers.Analyse log file and print requests with 4xx and 5xx.Analyse log file and generate html report.Analyse log file and enable all recorded statistics.Enable syntax highlight for Nginx configuration file.ModSecurity 3.0 and NGINX: Quick Start Guide.All in one checklist as a quick introduction.Printable high-res hardening cheatsheet.

Gsplit-dwarf icecc